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Old 01-23-2011, 03:09 AM   #561
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Re: The Project Havoc....

hmmm that sucks , must be some powerful company to be able to say someones not alowed to drive his own truck
the reflector issue is eazy to solve with stick on reflectors that happen to fall of after the new test i dunno about the sidewindows , didnt even knew they could be illegal unless there shaded to dark , if thats the case replace the windows with stock ones and move on .
they are the company you work for and might not take whell to you fighting them (its verry hard to find a new job these days ) even if there wrong
i got a job again and having fun at it too

idea's for the trucks and the order of things to do are taking shape and get closer to being realized , a few more months and i be able to start building for real

i complete 2 of the trucks intoo running fashion one custom and one basicly stock the thirth will be sacrificed for parts
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