Re: Dual gas tanks again
I have a 1980 with dual tanks, my selector went out. Ordered one from Autozone but it has 6 outlets and mine only has three (Carbed 350 V-8). Advanced Has the same type for $90 I looked on LMC (I know some members dont use them) they has the right one for 49.95 plus shipping. I havent had any problems with their products, its just another option open to us 73-87 square body owners. Just my .02.
"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.
Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."
[Cherokee saying]
2001 Dodge Ram Sport 1500 4x4. (old ride)
1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic ("new" ride)