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Old 01-24-2011, 03:06 PM   #212
68 Quad C10
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Re: 68 Quad Cab build

Originally Posted by Patch View Post
I cant even begin to imagine the hours you have put into this so far...(I'm sure you are counting)....Are you still planning on going 4 wheel drive and are you planning on putting any type of cage in it?
Awesome work.....with all the pictures....I can almost taste metal from here....
Well the hours are many and I sort of lost count ….. originally I was wanting to go 4 wheel drive and just build a nice cruiser but I am struggleing with that now... I really would like to make a truck that has air ride etc… never done that before and this truck will look killer done that way so at the moment I am mixed on the direction and will make that decision as soon as the cab modifications are done which will be some time from now I have almost got the outside of the roof roughed in and then I will have to begin the rest of the lower portion…. Door skins… rockers…. Cab corners …. Etc… then the fun part of making the inside look like it was supposed to be there and not cut up so much I will be installing many upgrades to the interior such as adjustable seat belts, double roof, waterfall console, doing some interesting things with the dash area…. Once that is done the cab is the major portion of this build and then I am modifying many other areas like the bed and front sheet metal should be very nice and different. Hope everyone will like it

My Quad Cab build:


65 GTO Build (If you wanna check it out)
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