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Old 01-25-2011, 09:05 PM   #42
'67 C-10 LWB Driver
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Location: Andover, Kansas
Posts: 380
Re: My First: 68 Frame-off rebuild

awesome job! Very cool, and you're pretty close to me! i was just down in ark city a few weeks ago. that's where i bought my front crossmember for my truck. i need to go to winfield and pick up my 12 bolt posi rear end...

keep up the awesome work! btw...the frame notch is huge! why is it so tall? i'm ignorant when it comes to lowering things....
'67 C-10 LWB - My Build Thread
'67 C-20 LWB - My Donor/ Parts truck - SOLD!
'92 GMC SAFARI VAN - My Parts Go Getter
'06 KIA SPORTAGE EX - My Commuter

"All of this crap better make a truck!" - my wife Sue.

Proud U.S.M.C. Dad!
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