Well converting from a 235 and a manual trans in a '60-'62 is a bit more work than if it were a '63 and up truck. And when you're having to pay regular shop time, the cost adds up in a hurry. And unless the particular mechanic is familar with these trucks, it may take even longer.
The degree of difficulty depends on your own mechanical abilities, and a location to do the conversion. If you have the place to do the work and the desire as well as the necessary tools and equipment, it can be done with help from everyone here on the forum.
Originally Posted by el_bole
Looking to put in a 350 into my 61' apache. It currently has a 235-250 engine...Was quoted $2000 to do the actual swap, I was floored when mechanic told me that way too much dinero ...How hard is it really to do this? Regarding adaptations etc.? Any info would be greatly appreciated....