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Old 01-27-2011, 08:27 PM   #2
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Re: Body swap 4x2 to 4x4.

frames are a bit different, pretty sure you need to use the bushing that fit the frame you want to use.

the cab floors are different unless your 2wd is floor shift. the 4x4 and floor shift 2wd had high hump and column shift 2wd had low hump, you can cut that section out though and use the one from your 4x4 floor.

the bumpers match the frames, I've heard ppl say one bumper is shorter then the other, but I think they said the 81-87 style on your 2wd is the narrow one, which probably would not matter for your swap. You could reuse your 73-80 4x4 front clip? if so you'll need to fill the hood hinge holes in your 2wd cab and drill a hole or two and reuse the wiper linkage and arms, posts from your 4x4, then I know your bumper would be fine with the frame and front end.

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