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Old 01-30-2011, 07:03 PM   #55
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Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Posts: 610
Re: Grandma's '72 Cheyenne LWB Half Ton

Thought I'd show some of the progress made on the truck restoration. Terry Kuchler's Restorations is doing the body work.

The door had a rust spot and Terry cut it out and welded a new piece in. Also, the interior of the doors were treated with POR Rust Inhibitor.

Here's the finished door welded:

We changed the bottom cowl, which, by the way they have in stock now at Southern Kentucky Classics and LMC:

There were a lot of holes that needed to be welded up and are being treated on both the exterior and interior. I believe that if I would have left this truck sit out a few more years, even in Louisiana, it would have been a nightmare trying to fix and cut out the rust. The rust was hidden in spots that I never dreamed of.

I'll keep you updated as the work progresses. Casey
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