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Old 01-31-2011, 12:10 PM   #34
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Re: What did you get done 1/30/11 edition

I went by Vintage Air to take a look at my truck. They are using it to develop a new Gen IV kit for our trucks.

It was weird seeing someone else working on it. They had the dash pad off, and were doing some work up under the dash. They also had all the A/C components removed under the hood.

The good news is I will have a great A/C system in place this summer, and it isn't costing me much. The bad news is that they will be keeping it for 2-3 months. I am in the process of renovating a house to move into, and I have never needed my truck more in the 10 years I have owned it than I do now! It will be worth it when it is all over, though.

'86 Chevy C10 (Sold 04/19/13 )
Stock '01 Silverado
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