Re: Who arethe earliest 67-72 board members?
Originally Posted by Dark Knight
Lol. If you click on this link and look at the first name, "DoNotPMMe" the join date is 12-31-1969. Bout the only people using the internet back then were the government. Even then it was still kinda experimental and for a select group of people to use. That was back when you needed one and a half floors for one computer. The computer took up one whole floor and all the cables ran under the floor beneath it. And now we have internet on our cell phones. Haha.
Actually I found out the hard way what 12-31-1969 means. UNIX time begins at 1-1-1970. If you are west of there, but not too far west, UNIX subtracts a couple of hours off of GMT time zero and you end up at 12-31-1969. Let me guess, somewhere in the bowels of's storage system there is an ARX box. I had to make the IT guys at my place of work fix a code bug in our ARX box. Whenever you did a chgrp, chmod, or chown on a file or directory it was setting file dates to 12-31-1969 and causing 15 to 20 year old shell scripts to fail.
For those of you who started using the internet AFTER Al Gore invented it, nevermind.
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN