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Old 02-02-2011, 01:14 AM   #13
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Re: Bake Lights-non opererable

I had the same problem with my truck last week. Turn signals worked but no brake lights. May or may not be the same cause for you but I ended up finding that one of the spade connectors in the brake switch plug had broke and the wire was pulled out of position enough to not make contact with the switch spades. I cut out the plug and installed new spade connectors and problem solved.

An easy way to check if the wiring to the lights is good is to simply put a jumper between the spade connectors in the plug. If the lights go on it's either a bad switch, a maladjusted switch, or you're not getting good contact with both wires. If they don't go on you need to start suspecting bad grounds, the turn signal switch, break in the wires, etc.

Good luck! Working on the brake light switch totally sucks though it's probably easier if you pull out the dash. I don't know as I wasn't smart enough to think of trying that until after this little exercise.
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