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Old 02-03-2011, 06:47 PM   #4
stevencvn72's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Winchestertonfieldville, Wa
Posts: 366
Re: Advise on c-notch?

First, jack the axel to the frame to find where it'll hit so you know where to place your notch. If it's a CPP notch, the instructions aren't always dead on.

Then, I made a cardboard template:

Marked the frame:

Cut...and don't forget to trim some of the spring reinforcing plate so your notch sits flush.:

Refit, mark holes, spend half the day drilling said holes...paint.

and bolt on!

Enjoy!...Actual results may vary.

and don't forget about tool safety!

I Grease

'67 Chev stepper
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