Re: Adjusting roller rockers
The "twist 'em till you feel resistance" is bunk. Many will spin freely when the lifter is completely bottomed out and if there's plenty of oil in the rocker cup and lifter, you won't be able to tell when you're at zero.
Grab the pushrod between thumb and fingers and wiggle it UP and DOWN until you can feel all the slack gone. Do it a few times until you get the hang of it. Then adjust to your desired preload, 1/2 or 3/4 turn. When setting polylocks, back off from preload about 1/8 turn, tighten the allen set in the center of the polylock as tight as you can get it and then TURN THE ALLEN WRENCH AND WRENCH YOU'RE USING ON THE POLYLOCK AT THE SAME TIME until they're TIGHT. This is the only reliable way to lock 'em down. If you simply try to tighten the allen set down after setting preload, it will get loose again. That's a promise.
Make sure your rocker studs are perfectly flat on top. If they're not, the allen set can't tighten squarely and they'll work their way loose.