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Old 02-05-2011, 04:53 AM   #1
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Rag Joint Problem

Well, I bought a rebuild kit for this problem to fix the swaying of my truck when I go around problems. Well that didn't fix it, obviously the problem is something else now, but I do not know what for sure yet. However, I have run into a different problem. I don't know if it is air in my power steering lines or not. When I turn the wheel it's smooth until I get to a certain point in either direction and it gets rough then smooth again. Like the steering column is off center causing it to rub at only close points. However, I had someone turn the steering wheel for me while I watched the joint and it doesn't rub or anything against my power steering gearbox. I don't quite know what I did, or rather didn't do. Any help on this would be appreciated! Thanks!
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