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Old 02-05-2011, 01:32 PM   #6
X Baldwin Motion
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Re: 84 Wiper switch and Washer res bracket

Originally Posted by hatzie View Post
If someone disassembled the motor gearbox it's probably missing pieces but only if it's been disassembled. If you're positive the motor has never been disassembled then it's the column switch.

If the motor pedigree is questionable do some detective work It could be either.
Pull the column switch plug off the pulse controller under the column and check the switch states against this diagram.

"check the switch states against this diagram"

I may need a little more info to perform the test you suggest...not really sure what you mean.. thanks.

I should mention that the "parking" of the wipers sometimes works, and sometimes not. Same goes for the low speed, sometimes they move in a stuttering jerky motion and sometimes they just stall completely mid cycle.
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Last edited by X Baldwin Motion; 02-05-2011 at 01:34 PM.
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