Originally Posted by NINERS1
great tips! going to order a step bit and have 4 good twist bits for back-up  thanks for all the replys! without this site i would not have had the confidence to do half of the stuff i do to this truck!!! 
You'll be fine. Center punch the hole locations and use a pilot drill. Rule of thumb for pilot drill is half the diameter of the finish hole size. Say it's a 1/2" hole, then pilot with a 1/4" then use the 1/2" drill to finish. Easy way to remember HALF the size of a fractional drill is to DOUBLE the denominator of the fraction - 1/2>1/4 ... 1/4>1/8 ... 1/8>1/16 ... notice how the number on bottom always doubles when the fraction is divided in half.
Either type drill (twist or step) will work once you have your pilot hole there.
Hope this helps.