Re: 67 C-10 project.
well today went pretty good. i got the 73-87 crossmember all dismantled. i read through about 20 of the threads on doing the swap and so far i think i'm doing okay. the guy that i got my cross member from left me part of the frame and everything, so i was able to get all of the hardware off of it. the proportion valve is what i'll be using? should i mount it back on my frame the same place it came off of the old one? i saved all of the brake lines as well but i'm not sure if i can use them or not yet. i read something about having to plug a couple lines on the prop valve. anyways, i got it bolted up to my frame with a couple bolts, put some wheels on it from my gmc van, and it was rollable again! i have it pushed into my shop now! not very much room in there...i can see it needing to be turned sideways in the garage so there is more room to work on it. so tomorrow i hope to get all of the rest of the bolts in, and get the steering box situated and see what i'm going to do. i'll have some more pics tomorrow...
'67 C-10 LWB - My Build Thread
'67 C-20 LWB - My Donor/ Parts truck - SOLD!
'92 GMC SAFARI VAN - My Parts Go Getter
'06 KIA SPORTAGE EX - My Commuter
"All of this crap better make a truck!" - my wife Sue.
Proud U.S.M.C. Dad!