Thread: 17x8 wheels
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Old 02-06-2011, 01:18 AM   #5
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Re: 17x8 wheels

I don't forsee any major problems,so long as you measure your wheel backspacing carefully before ordering your wheels.
Most wheel vendors have on-line guides about how to do this properly.

I'm pretty sure 8" wheels are pretty much standard fare on MII type IFS set-ups.

Are your spindles stock height or lowered?
AFAIK 17" diameter wheels are the minimum for lowered spindles or else you get lower ball joint clearance issues.
(Don't ask how I know)

Nice installation BTW. I've never seen those style of shockwaves before.

Last edited by BigJock; 02-06-2011 at 01:23 AM. Reason: added info
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