Re: Motor smokes...any ideas?
Originally Posted by matthew20061
My friend put a 5.3L in his 67' Firebird and it smoked blue sort of how you described and it ended up being the valve seals. He replaced them and it hasn't smoked since!
YES that is what i want to hear. I should be replacing it this weekend. I got board on lunch and checked my pcv hose. Let me ask a stupid question....When you pull the hose off with engine running it should speed up yes? Well mine does not. It is bearly sucking. So i looked at the end that is attached to carb and seen it has a plastic thing in side of it. I got the hose from my old evap canister and i guess it has somekind of a restriction on it. Will get new hose and try again. I do have the updated PCV valve. I pulled the plugs and found #1 cylinder is the one that is burning oil. All 3 others on that bank looked brand spanken new. No black at all. So i will replace that valve seal and if it fixes the smoke i will do all of them.
82 c10 5.3/4l60
84 c20 5.3/sm465
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1964 Vw beetle
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