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Old 02-09-2011, 02:45 AM   #29
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Re: CUCVs Off to Auction...

That is probably the biggest reason I don't have a new truck. I would be afraid to throw a load of bricks in the back of the thing.

To me a truck is what it primarily is; a truck. I take care of my 77, certainly put more into her than she will ever be worth but ultimately the reason I have her over a new Silverado or F150 is because I don't think that the 30 grand I would spend would get me a better product overall, especially for what this truck is used for. I drive her all the time, she gets ok mileage-not great but not really much worse than a new GMC. It isn't fancy but I can go to the dump or to Home Depot and not worry about some little scratch or ding causing her to lose a ton of value.

As for options, well there was a time when power steering, automatic transmissions and power brakes were considered a luxury. I do think that these trucks, as they are now, have enough creature comforts with cruise control and air conditioning. Heated seats are fine and all but my tushie is in jeans and it can handle the cold vinyl until it warms up.

I suppose it is all personal pref though.
I let my 16 year old son drive my every car that I own. I don't let him drive my truck. A man has to draw a line somewhere.
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