As some may know the 350 in my 72 needed to be rebuild but i didnt have the money at the time. Well i had a 92 nissan i traded for a 79 that had a 350 in it. Well i finally found the time to start pulling the motor last night, and just about got it out tonight. But you know its always something.... the motor mount pin bolt on the right side is stuck, and thats the only way i can get the motor mount loose because there are tranny lines running upunder the motor mount. Well it was late so i figured im not going to get the chizzle and hammer out, and wake everyone up so i had to call it quits til in the morning. But oh am i looking foward to re wiring everything when i finally get the motor in the 72 ha. and for those who might want to know i have everything on the 79 and am willing to sell anything on it (besides the motor) cab is in fair condition, and the bed has some rust but everything is good other than that. parts only though i will not sale the whole truck. well thanks for reading my ramble. later