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Old 02-09-2011, 08:04 PM   #3
95 S_Trucker
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Re: Control arm bushing without removal?

with a jack under the lower control arm. take off the upper balljoint castle nut. flip it upside down and screw it on until the stud is even with the bottom of the nut, then back it off a turn. then hit the balljoint stud/nut out of the spindle, the remove the castle nut, and then just unbolt the contol arm from the frame.

the above method will separate the balljoint and spindle without damaging the balljoint. and its about impossible to replace the bushings while its on the truck

edit, that is for upper control arm. which bushings are you replacing? upper of lower

Last edited by 95 S_Trucker; 02-09-2011 at 08:05 PM.
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