Re: Control arm bushing without removal?
Well, at the moment I am still working on the cab bushings. Thats a JOB in and of itself. I thought it would be a cakewalk... but as this truck constantly reminds me, I should NEVER think ANYTHING will EVER be easy with this heap.
the top bolts on the core support are a booger to get to... I'm surprised I've been able to break loose all the bolts thus far. But, as usual, I'll just keep plugging at it and try to accomplish a little.
Ultimately, as I've stated in my other recent post, feels like its tracking a little funny and handling a little odd... so I'm starting at the frame and working my way out to try to resolve some of this and get it going down the road a little firmer. Tires are new. Stock 15x8 rallys. lower profile tires. Sway bar bushings. LIBERAL amounts of grease to ALL moving parts...are done.
Now its on to the cab mounts and just being under it, measuring frame height, mount height, wheel well height... its all painting a pretty good picture of what's on the to-do list.
Hopefully the cab mounts reconcile the 1" lower passenger side issue... which that kind of body offset CAN'T help handling...