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Old 02-10-2011, 11:56 AM   #8
The Older Generation

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Re: mail order chrome plating-cheap?

Originally Posted by DT1 View Post
I wish I could say that. So far I've had three "Money is no object" paint jobs. All three were done by different guys that came "Highly" recommended. All three were second rate to say the least. The last job I had done was on my 71 Cheyenne and I paid over $4K for it with only minor body work. After I fixed all of the flaws myself, I'd rate it a 7 out of 10.
4k is not really expensive for minor body work & show paint. My Red/White '71 4x4 LWB would have been between 6 & 7k for minor body work and show paint, luckily I was able to swap work with the guy. I think anyone that saw it would tell you that the paint job was pretty much flawless. The guy that painted it was a hobbyist that painted in his two car garage.


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Last edited by LockDoc; 02-10-2011 at 11:58 AM.
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