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Old 02-11-2011, 01:04 PM   #18
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Re: '60 GMC Suburban (Project D-Daddy)

Cort, glad to see you got the truck for cheap and are having fun with it. I think you totally scored! What you don't know is that early on, I had everything in good order to make the purchase myself, including: my wife's approval, vehicle transporter lined up, and a check ready to send. I told Dennis that I'd take it for the full $1500 he was asking.
Being the swell guy that he is (not kidding), he suggested that I wait for the additional pictures that I had requested before sending the check. I agreed, and waited for him to take some pictures and send them to me. He got the pictures to me late, the night before you were going to see it in the AM.
He and I were both surprised to see the rust. It did not exist the last time he looked (8 years previous). I called him the next morning to thank him for the photos and regretfully decline the purchase, due to my strong aversion to vehicles with any rust issues... plus, I knew you had a real interest in it from your posts on this site. You may have even been looking at the truck when I called him around 8:00 am.
Anyway, I'm glad it worked out the way it did... although it's a shame to know you are going to have to rob your current cool ride for parts. Maybe there's a way around that, you think?

Last edited by oem4me; 02-11-2011 at 05:46 PM.
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