Thread: alignment woes
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Old 02-12-2011, 01:51 PM   #1
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alignment woes

I got most of the bushings replaced this past weekend.
Cab, leaves, core support, etc... and put new rallys and tires on the week before.
She's been dancing around since I got her, so i figured an alignment was in order.
Took it to the pep boys by my house, long story short, left without them even pulling the truck in (1.5 hours later)
took her to the shop by work. He's a decent dude, has some short-bus dudes working for him, but all in all... how can you mess up a simple alignment?

3pm- we're pulling it in
5pm- its a 2 hour job, we close at 6, but $120 for a full front alignment (shims etc)
11am-(today)- well, we can't do it, the bolts that hold the arm retainers (where shims go) are just turning and we cant get to the backside because of the headers. Sorry.

So I spend most of yesterday and a chunk of today dealing with what (at worst) SHOULD be a 2 hour job and its not done.

Now tonight, I have to take a 100mi (one way) trip when I get off work (suprising my GF for Valentines) at midnight.

Needless to say, I do not have the warm fuzzys... but I was planning on lowering here week after next, in that time, hopefully I can find a COMPETANT shop that can do an alignment.

I'm done venting. Don't forget, Valentines is Monday, even if you can just get a card, something small is better than forgetting or putting off til the last minute.
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