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Old 02-13-2011, 04:11 PM   #14
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: Talk about tough decisions....

I've been daily driving old trucks since 1997 with an 18 month depression era (18 months in a stinkin lincoln). I doubt all the trucks I've had COMBINED would be worth 10 grand, and for the best part, all of them were pretty reliable.
Now, there's things to be said about better heaters and A/C and all that, but for 10K (assuming the starting point isn't a total crap box) I would think better heat and a/c would be part of the build. Most of the other things that are so nice about a late model you can incorperate into your build. Softer ride usually comes with a cool stance, nicer seats, you stock one is probably torn up already... and so on. Fuel injection is nice, but not 100% needed IMO. With the exception of this winter, I don't think you guys get much snow or sub freezing pemperatures, so a couple min in the truck warming the engine shouldn't be a huge deal. ABS is nice to have acording to most people (not me, hate it)...
If you do it all yourself, and have a decent starting point, I say open the garage door and get to work with 10 grand falling out of your pocket.
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