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Old 02-14-2011, 12:49 AM   #17
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Location: Fayetteville NC
Posts: 752
Re: K1's build thread

Did a tune up on the turck with the help of a board member on here. He indicated that I have a vac leak somewhere on my truck. I'm inclined to believe him as the truck randomly shut down again while driving...4 times actually while trying to get home. Luckily I was able to restart the truck while it was still rolling. Still it's disconcerting none the less. I'm going to try to get new heater box hoses and vac hoses this week to replace the ones on the truck. Figure I'll drain and flush the radiator, change out the upper and lower radiator hoses, and change out the heater box hoses. I'll need to grab a gallon of 50/50 mix too. With the gallon of full strength anti-freeze I already have I'll have the 12qts I need. I figure while that's all draining I'll swap out the vac lines to make the most out of my time on the lift since I'm paying for it.

I also installed my new toolbox into the truck. Originally I was going to go with a gang box from Lowes which was around $150. My buddy Russ and I happened to go to Walmart and I saw a plastic bin there for $50 that was about the right size. I looked it over and said screw it...why not! It seems to me like it's pretty durable, should keep the rain out even while driving (though I don't have wipers so there's no driving happening in the rain LOL). I'll have uses for a big plastic chest after I'm done with it in the truck...a metal gang box not so much.

Late on this week I'll hopefully be getting that tank from Tamraz...still haven't heard back from them and I'm starting to get a bit miffed. If it does come in I hope to have it installed and running by the end of this coming weekend. Once that tanks is installed and running, with all new fuel lines and filter, I'll be more or less done messing with the driveline for the time being. Trans and diff fluids will be next on the list to change out.

Brake swap will likely be 3 weeks out at this point. I need to order my wheels from JEGS or Summit. I've decided on these in 15x8 with a 4" backspacing

While I wasn't planning on rims anytime soon my rule of approaching 50% has won out on this one. I can get used rims for $100 or I can get new ones for just a little over 50% more and I know they're not bent. Before I can order them I need to make some room in my storage unit. I'll probably be getting a membership to this forum to post up some things for sale. The other forum I'm on isn't moving parts fast enough because it's fairly low traffic.

Also that HF stud gun welds studs on great...but the slide hammer sucks big time. I couldn't get it to work at all. I'll try to read up on it, but it will likely be going back to HF this week. If I can't get it working right at least they have a good return policy.

Last edited by k1rodeoboater; 02-16-2011 at 12:29 AM.
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