Originally Posted by N2TRUX
Apparently you have never owned a set of wheels with rivets. Having owned a set of true 3 piece wheels, I can attest that it is impossible to clean around the hardware, much less polish them.
I rarely say "never" but that is something I will never own again.
Admittedly I had forgotten about the practical side...point taken.
Originally Posted by VA72C10
What about getting the smoothies and then having someone airbrush on the rivets and then clearing over them???
Could be done in black or over the polished...
Just a thought as cleaning would be a little easier that way 
Could be cool....but those airbrush guys ain't cheap.
Originally Posted by Zeke's Garage
It's tough for us in the US to see some of these wheels without gagging, only because we've grown up with them on every rusty crap-pile 'hot rod' that was ever around.
With you having more 'virgin eyes' you can probably appreciate some of these more that we can. I do know that I've seen those centerlines on everything from mid '70's Dodge Darts, to early '90's Ford Rangers... those were the greatest wheels to have in high school... until they were replaced with the dead sexy 5 bladed directionals!
If you like them, then run them... No one in the UK will even notice
You're right Shawn nobody would notice....but now you've told me that, how could I show my face on here?
Good advice from good friends...Thanks guys.
An American living in a British body.
1971 Chevy Cheyenne 10 454
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty" - Thomas Jefferson
No more pain.
03.12.60 -- 12.28.10