Originally posted by jef5150
First of all,,,,,,YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!!!...NONE!...Ive been in the machining industry for 18yrs,,,ive had entire jobs "REJECTED"from HEWLETT-PACKARD, MEASUREX & VARIAN. Inc, for the simple reason that the plating vendor did not follow the plating instructions on the blue print leaving "RACKING MARKS" on a critical surface...SO NEXT TIME you think your gonna "slam " some ones advice,,,,,you should make damn sure you know what your talking about,cause it only shows your ignorance on that topic...jeff
Whoa-Whoa-Whoa there fella ... I don't think Randy was "slamming your advice." I too have been in the Machine Tool Technology

trade for close to 20 years & now sell some of the most expensive and the best quality CNC machine tools built (insert shameless plug here - OKUMA).
As a matter of fact, if the VARIAN you speak of is the Oncology equipment manufacturer (radiology/cancer treatment equipment), then I too have done work for them ... and agree you do have a valid point about "rack marks" when speaking of industrial plating techniques. But, I believe Randy was referring to automotive plating (grilles, trim, wheels, brightwork, etc) ... which any
bonehead with common sense will know which side is which when it comes to brightwork plating.
BTW - C10Crazy ... email me, I have a really really good connection for chrome plating at
Graves Plating ... and they DO know how to rack 'em as to NOT show marks!