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Old 07-06-2003, 07:04 PM   #1
Class of 69
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Had the "new" motor running!

Bought this from Teeitup a week ago. Fixed two bad plug wires, primered the carb, rigged up a fuel can to the fuel line, ran jumper wires to starter solenoid , and jumper cables to the battery cables. One hour later, it sputtered to life!! Last license tab on the plate is from '95. Heart bounced off the floor when it started KNOCKING!! Listened to the area of knock, and shut it down...pulled the inspection cover off the trans. Sure enough!! The PO was a hack! Had reinstalled the rebuilt trans with the wrong converter bolts. One was completely out, and had thrashed around in the bell housing!! No real damage done. One was too long and bottomed out on the converter before tightening the flex plate! Only one correct, and tight bolt holding the converter to the flex plate, and he had to have been driving it around like this!!?? Put correct converter bolts in, fired it back up, and it ran like a watch, with no knock!! Am I happy?? I love big blocks!!
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69 GMC K10 ..some restoration required....still..
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