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Old 02-16-2011, 02:14 AM   #2
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Re: Lifting Body Off of Frame

I found that the body was heavy toward the back for some reason.

It took the shop I had mine done by surprise as to the awkwardness of the body, and we ended up getting up to 8 helpers and two fork lifts! (mine had a lot of fused together body mounts).

I suppose if you had a large concrete work floor shop, you could use jacks at each corner with you and a buddy. Then gradually lift the body off the frame, then replace the jacks with stands with wheels.

It's kind of hard to tell in the picture of my burb body, but when I would push it around the tail end would always lift the front casters off the floor. Reminding me that the tail end was heavier.

This was an observation of mine, and I can't explain why it seemed more tippy towards the tail end. I suppose the rear gate framework, roof, and wood floor cause it to be heavier.
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