Originally Posted by 78cheyenne292
so i recently put a new carb in and my high idle solinoid has been acting up and it sometiems comes on after 10 mins of driving you cant notice till you go to slow down and it wont go under 2500 rpm makes stoping not so easy and to top things off iv blown a seal in my master cylinder last week and have been driving around with very very little brakes as i havnt had time to find a new one yet..
so i was coming up to a stop sign ( which i slow down ahead of time for) and my solinoid kicked in and wouldnt let me stop so i throw it in nuetral turn the key off and on again and it kicks down but i held the key off to long for the motor to keep running so i lost any power in my breaks so as im about to head through a stop sign at an end of a road full of traffic i had no choice but to bounce it off a snow bank to slow me down then crank it around the corner on the the wrong side of the road onto the shoulder.. really motivated me to fix my breaks!! scared me pretty good just figured id share.. im glad im okay but most important cheyenne was not harmed in the process.. i felt bad side swipping her into a frozen snow bank but it was my only option.. poor girl.. rattled me pretty good felt like sharing!!!
At least you had the presence of mind to not panic and do what you needed to do to get yourself stopped and avoid any (major) damage to you, your truck, and everyone else! Sounds like a pretty harrowing experience... get those brakes fixed!