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Old 02-16-2011, 10:14 PM   #2
Hollister Road Co.
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Re: 235 Starter Solenoid-not always engaging flywheel

Originally Posted by duwem View Post
On my 58-62 vintage 235 engine with 12 volt starter, the starter always spins when I hit the key, but only engages with the flywheel half the time.

The guy I bought it from said there was something that would be worn out in the starter shift solenoid (part that kicks the gear on the starter into the flywheel ring gear) that you can just flip around and it should fix it.

Is there a part I can flip and if not what should I replace to get it to kick in every time?
Its kind of a yes and no, There is a copper disc that contacts the battery pole and the starter pole inside the solenoid. This some times gets carboned up from the electrical arcing. You sometimes can in a pinch flip the disc but you should actually change the solenoid and be done with it. The other issue is has it damaged the starter gear on the flywheel with the intermitant operation, it usually does. If it has the flywheel has to come out and have the starter ring gear replaced. When you do this I would replace the starter drive gear along with it so you have good mating gear mesh.

Take out the starter and rotate the flywheel and look at the teeth as you turn it. They can be a little chipped on the very end but if it goes more that say 25% of the gear then you should replace it or in a pinch you can flip the ring gear having the good side of the teeth facing the starter.
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