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Old 02-17-2011, 01:49 AM   #4
Hollister Road Co.
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Re: 235 Starter Solenoid-not always engaging flywheel

Originally Posted by duwem View Post
Thanks for the info.

I will look at the ring gear teeth.

On the copper disk inside the solenoid. I see there are 2 skrews that hold the plastic end where the terminals are. I removed those screws and attempted to pull that cap off but it only moved a little bit, I didnt want to pull too hard because it seemed like I was pulling on wires. Do I just keep pulling to get it off?

Any idea what a new solenoid costs?

The solenoids should cost about $25

There are one or two studs that sticks out of the back of the cover each has a nut that needs to come off, A wire may be attached to one or both, once the studs are loose in the cover it should slide off then, There are wires on the inside attached to each stud. One is the wire that excites the coil winding and makes the starter engage. The other if its there usualy goes to the coil to give full 12 volts while starting.
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