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Old 02-17-2011, 10:06 AM   #215
'67 C-10 LWB Driver
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Andover, Kansas
Posts: 380
Re: 67 C-10 project.

yeah, thanks for the tips makman, i'll keep at it. i think it's moved out a little. i worked on some dents in the lower section where i can get to them, and it is looking better. last night i finally got all but one of the bolts in for my crossmember. i was short one bolt to start with, so i'll try and round up another one. i thought i was going to be good on my motor mount perches, but they are too tall...i measured the frame they came off of, and it's 1/2" taller than my 67 frame. So more research is needed there.. i need to order an adapter kit from GMC Pauls for my power steering gear box. today i'll try and get the proportioning valve mounted to the rear of the crossmember on the frame and get the brake lines all situated. Does anybody know if i can just replace the master brake cylinder from a 74 in place of my 67 one? So i can have manual disc brakes? Pics to follow...time go get dirty! Whoop Whoop!
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