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Old 02-17-2011, 03:54 PM   #1
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700R4/NP-205 Fluid question???

I recently purchased a 72' 4x4 swb that was originally a stick shift. Previous owner put in a 700R4 with a BO adapter. He told me that with the automatic tranny in it that the transmission fluid will be used not only in the tranny but in the transfer case as well. He stated that the tranny fluid would inter-mingle with the gear oil and to only use automatic tranny fluid. That didn't sound right to me. Isn't the T-Case seperated from the tranny by a seal? Therefore still needing gear oil? I know that the T-Case took gear oil previously. Thanks for your help. I'm glad to be back on here. Haven't been here since 2002 when I had to sale my 72 swb 4x4 to finance my divorce, major bummer...but I bought back the same truck yesterday. I couldn't be happier.

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