Thread: 1972 cab
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Old 07-07-2003, 10:03 AM   #1
old Rusty C10
Robert Olson Transport
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1972 cab

i have a 1972 cab no column no doors windshield cracked but it does have a rear slider, all the dash controls except the ashtray no tank has the heater core assembly and all the parts to it its missing the cover for the hump cab needs other light body work
needs some work to the floor boards the right side has like a six inch hole in the area where it starts to go up it needs one rocker panel and both cab corners definately a repairable cab and it comes with an extra left side fender (surface rust) and a brown hood which needs a little work and a good sanding
I was gonna build a terror machine but right now the budget says no and it dont look like its gonna happen for a while So my loss is your gain $350 for it all delivery available in the north east

1951 International running on a squarebody chassis

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