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Old 02-18-2011, 11:57 AM   #11
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Re: 65 Suburban Fuel Tank Sending Unit?

Hi Roy,
Sorry about my first long winded response. Obviously I didn't understand your question. Your ohmeter should indicate close to a dead short with the float up as high as it will go (full tank position). If you aren't seeing any resistance on your ohmeter I suspect your sender is toast. To check your guage, if it is still in the truck, ground the wire that normally connects to the sender and turn the key on. Your guage should move to full. This should be a tan wire if my diagram is correct an you have factory wiring. With the guage out of the truck, you should be able to connect it across your battery and get a full tank indication. The terminal that had the pink wire on it should go to the + battery terminal and the terminal that had the tan wire on it will connect to the - battery terminal. All you are looking for is the needle to move. If it does, your guage is ok. for the whole circuit, again if my diagram is correct, the positive pink wire originates at the "R" terminal on your starter solenoid, goes through the firewall connector, and then splits to several pink wires in the cab with one of those going to the gas guage terminal. So, with the key on, you should be able to measure 12V at this terminal. The tan wire goes straight to your sensor. Hope this helps, Les
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