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Old 02-18-2011, 09:06 PM   #34
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Re: Junk yarding tucson

Originally Posted by TheSeeker View Post
Ill never understand what with all the talk about "Helping" people out around here, why no one is willing to disclose the location of a good yard. News flash guys, you dont own everything in there, so its pontless to keep it a secret. You could actually be helping people out who need it for a truck, not to just stockpile parts for when you "might need them". Its total bs and one of the very very few things I hate about this site.
Hey bro since your local and can do pick up. Why didnt you just pm me about the info instead of complaining about it. Its total bs when people expect everything for nothing and then blame the site for not holding there hand in shower while they cry.

News Flash never got a pm from you Theseeker. Grow up

I have been helped by alot of members and helped alot of members. Ive even gone out of my way to complete a task for a member. And the members know that so they compensate for it. I will continue to go out of my way to help a member.
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