well, today i thought for sure i'd get my motor perches figured out but nope, not yet. i guess that there is not a combination that will just bolt on with out some kind of modifications. so i'll have to do some research and see which route to go. if i use the 74 perches and motor mounts, then it only requires modifying the perches to fit to the top of the frame. if i use the the 67 perches then i think i have to drill a hole in the crossmember for the bottom crew, and then get some differnt motor mounts unless the ones on the L6 block will work, but it seems like the bolt pattern is upside down from the ones on the 350 so i'm not sure...i need to look at my 67 327 block and see what it looks like since that is the motor that is going to eventually be in there...grinded on the body some more and removed more paint from the drivers door. And OH, i got my inner door panel off finally after having to drill one srew out. and i found what i was hoping to find! the plate with the three nutplates on it for my drivers door mirror! it was layin inside there. So i cleaned it up, and tapped the threads clean, and then i went to Bowtie Bits and got a new stem, mirror and gaskets. sweet!