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Old 02-18-2011, 10:47 PM   #91
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Re: My 88 buildup on a tight budget

yea her BP has been good, it gets high when she goes to the doctor's office, but at home it's good. They don't want to beleive she has the white coats syndrome, where you get scared or nervous when going to the dr.'s office, so they want her to see a kidney doctor, said it's the first thing they check on young women when they have high BP.

I told the dr. to his face she only has HIGH BP when she comes to the dr.'s office, at home it's fine, and I know our BP monitor is right, within a few numbers of there's.

it ran 120's over 80's at home, dr. office was 150's over 90's and ours confirmed the same, as did their manual one the nurse did by ear.

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