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Old 02-20-2011, 06:40 PM   #27
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Location: Newport News, VA
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Re: white trucks pics?

Originally Posted by Toxic Redline View Post
How hard is it to do a Cummins swap if you have a motor and a tranny?

its definitely not a project for the weak willed, installing it is the hardest part, ive seen it done several different ways ranging from using the stock mounts to using all new section of frame rails but the easiest way ive seen it done was to take the entire cross member out of the dodge frame trim it to fit and then trim the frame to fit around the engine throw a 3 inch body lift in and drop it in, if its an early model cummins than it is easy to wire up but if it is a 24 valve or newer it is a bigger project than a few wires. it will take some time too, but i feel that the end product is worth it

heres some pics of my dads truck, we took the cab and put it onto the dodge frame he uses it as the pullin truck and his daily driver and gets 20-25 mpg without issue
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62 GMC swb fleetside~ project: still undecided
84 Chevy 4wd crew cab 8 inch lift and 37" goodyear h1 pulloffs, still rockin the old mans former plate 2LO4ME
65 chevy 1 ton panel~ bagged/bodied duramax plans slowly in progress...
02 Silverado cclb duramax~ sas'd "bro" truck with more rust than imagineable...
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