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Old 07-07-2003, 06:52 PM   #1
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Talking Racedvl's garage sale ! ! !

Well kids, I need to clean house if I'm gonna get anything done around here. All prices are + shipping. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY perfer PayPal! Most of this stuff was from a 76ish suburban as far as I know. Also, please respond here, and not in a PM if you want something. Thanks.

Ok, the head lamp bezels have snaps around them, I guess from a grill cover of some sort. ~ $5.00 for the pair.

I have a intermintet wiper swich, and control unit deally with the plugs to go with them. ~ $20.00 - - - - SOLD

I also have a rear window swich, and rear heat swich, ~ $7.00 for the pair.

The black bezel is from a 81 C10. It is without air. No cracks. ~ $20.00

The silverado bezel is from the 76ish burb. It comes with the bottom panel and the side vent assy. ~ $30.00

A battery tray + coolant overflow, from the 81 c10. The tray needs to be cleaned, but has no through rust as far as I can tell. ~ $10.00

A heater control from the 81, without a/c. ~ $5.00

The heater control from the burb, with a/c. ~ $10.00

I am also open to reasonable offers. As far as I know the electrical stuff should work, but I have no way to test it. Thanks.
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