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Old 02-20-2011, 10:47 PM   #4
Just here to tinker
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Re: How much would a 61 GMC hood go for

hey surfdaddy,

The price of that hood depends on the buyer. Not a lot of people like the GMC hood, but the few that do or know how rare they are likely to give steep prices. I would say if you can get it for $200 or less, go for it. Anything more than that is too much, in my opinion.

As long as the mesh grill is good, the rest of the hood is the exact same as the chevy 60-61. maybe if you can find a cheaper chevy one, you can crop out the front piece. I'm not sure how hard that would be though....

Last edited by Corts60; 02-20-2011 at 10:49 PM.
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