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Old 02-23-2011, 12:08 AM   #2884
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Re: Project Vitamin C-10

Originally Posted by Alan's Classic View Post
Sorry to disappoint you.

The guy I got the setup from said it came off of a 1989 S-10

I use to have a mullet.

Lean to is done.

Passenger side header is on.

Seems like the truckandcarshop has the wrong pic, or is just me? I need what is in the bottom pic, the cab to fender seal. I have what is in the top pic. It came with the other seals for the fender that I listed in the previous post. The pics must be reversed. Anybody have an extra speedo cable seal at the firewall? If so let me know. The truck shop only offers it in a kit.
Allan that top pic looks correct, those are sold as a pair and fit the outer fenders, I ordered both inner and outer fender seals, the inner comes as one piece and you cut to fit, on my 65 those outer fender seals had staples holding them on the fender looks like they may have pulled the wrong part
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