My 1970 blazer had a doublewall top and I think those are the kind that are actually seamed down the middle, which makes them pretty flimsy. I took the double wall top off and replaced it with a single wall I bought from a guy in OR (for 450.00) My friend does fiberglass work and is working on it right now-should be done in a few days. The single wall tops are the way to go - the double wall tops are not as strong and the way they bolt up- from underneath-always strips out the bolts and leaks! I believe they bolt up exactly the same as I am putting a single wall on my blazer. I can post a pic when I get the top back--It is sweet!!! Just keep lookin' for a single wall that is your best bet. I searched the internet, and I recommend just talking to guys on this board and getting the word out that you need one. I will keep my eyes open!
1970 blazin