Thread: rear end swap?
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Old 02-24-2011, 08:11 PM   #16
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Re: rear end swap?

Originally Posted by Kabwe View Post
The Hobart is a nice welder and owned by the same parent company as the miller, my Hobart came with a Miller gun. Miller's are nice machines actually I love them but there is nothing wrong with a Hobart (I love my hobart also). I welded with both and I really did not see the difference, but maybe thats just me. All I saying is don't have to have a miller to have a nice machine.

I have a hobart 180 and I weld everything from the sheetmetal to chassis work and it welds sweet. I had it for about 5 years now and its never gave me a problem.
No one is arguing to merits of either Hobart or Miller. I will dispute the claim that you can’t buy a quality welder that will do more than the jr. welders for less than $1k. This is what I bought on eBay for $825.00 delivered, less the wire feeder, cables and gas:
It will mig, tig, and stick. The voltage is 220 however.
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