I guess it isn't that big of a shock to see it used like this considering how much of really old cars were made of wood. The panel truck had a wood floor in it when it was new so putting wood back in it really isn't that big of a shock! I can see the expansion and contraction side but I'm not sure that it would be enough for me to worry about. Plus, if I was worried about moisture I could always take the panels out when they were cut to fit and oil paint, Kilz oil based maybe, all sides to seal them before putting them back in.
Originally Posted by Indian113
when I bought my Model A it had a wood floor,I'm welding in a metal floor now but I may put wood down under my carpet. The Firewall is gonna get it for sure because of heat and Noise.
How would you hold the wood to the firewall Indian? For the floor pieces I'm thinking I just need something to keep it from moving, not keep it on there through the apocalypse! Because of that I kind of though that windshield glue or even just seam sealer might work well enough.
Originally Posted by lakeroadster
The KISS principle: Keep It Simple ......"
EXACTLY! But also 'Keep it reasonably priced for people with more than a regular cab to cover'. (KIRPFPWMTARCTC?) Hahaha!