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Old 02-26-2011, 02:50 AM   #1
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Location: huntsville, al
Posts: 18
my 1964 swb fleet gmc

Hi all, i been lurking for a while and decided to finally post,

i have had my truck since i was 17 years old(for over 20 years), i bought it for $300.00 after working a summer to earn it, when i bought it it had a small I6 with a 4 speed with 2nd gear gone

the rear end was blown up due to the PO using 2x3 channel as lift blocks and they slid out and pogo'd the truck on the drive shaft.

i got a rear end and drive shaft out of a 63 gmc for $100.

ran it for about 2 years until the valves rattled so bad and couldn't be adjusted any more so i put in a 350 out of a 79 camaro with long tube headers and an Edelbrock intake and carb and a th400 trans from a 69 impala ran it for another 2-3 years then it sat at my my grandparents house for about 15 years doing some international traveling and then moved from California to Alabama.

now at 37 i started to work on it after having it shipped from California to Alabama last summer.

when i started to work on it i found alot of parts were scavenged, the missing components consisted of

drive pulleys
water pump
all accessory brackets
trans mount
shift knob

i have been working on her for a few months now and can show you a before and after. but it is not near complete.

i never had front or rear bumpers for it so i am trying to decide if i should go with chrome or painted, or do a custom roll pan front and rear.

it is far from perfect, with some dents here and there but i removed all the old crappy paint and old bondo and primed it grey and painted it flat black.

i plan to leave it flat black


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