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Old 02-26-2011, 04:31 PM   #14
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Re: Could I get an opinion on this truck, please!!

Originally Posted by tucsonjwt View Post
Just do a search on Craigslist or for southwest/west/southern states. There are CL search engines which search all of Craigslist. The truck I showed can probably be had for less than $3500 - leaving money for repairs which all old trucks need. Really-these even show up on Ebay from time to time, but are usually overpriced by $1,000 or so. My take - you will have to dump $$$ in repairs/upgrades - no matter how nice they look in the pictures - these old trucks are full of surprises, so you might as well start with a rust free truck to begin with - as cheap as you can get the basic truck. Aside from people like us, most people don't want an old gas hog truck, so you can get them at a good price in most markets.
how do you search all of craigslist? I just checked and I only get categories.
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